Did any of you

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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 20th, 2021, 8:57 pm

FSUKW wrote:
FuckESPNdotCOM wrote:
ericberry14 wrote:I'm going to be fired for not taking it. I'm a few steps from "going postal"…. Fuck some shit up and let them house and feed me for life if they don't kill me :dog

You OK, man?

IDK what you heard. I took the shot (well, two) and nothing happened. It's not going to alter your DNA or anything... It's like a flu shot, man.

I mean do you drive a car without a license? Do you stop at red lights? Do you drive 100MPH in school zones? I don't understand how mandating getting a vaccine for a job is any more "anti-freedom" than traffic laws: they're there so you and the people around you are safe. Certain countries won't let you enter without certain inoculations. Sometimes you have to do shit you don't want to do. That's life.

Muck calls it a placebo. EB, don’t lose your job over a placebo. LOL

Who called it placebo first? :toetap

I called it that in response to your comments.

Besides, fewer young, healthy people tend to mysteriously die after taking placebos.
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Re: Did any of you

Postby FSUKW » September 21st, 2021, 1:35 am

Muck FcDisney wrote:
FSUKW wrote:
FuckESPNdotCOM wrote:
ericberry14 wrote:I'm going to be fired for not taking it. I'm a few steps from "going postal"…. Fuck some shit up and let them house and feed me for life if they don't kill me :dog

You OK, man?

IDK what you heard. I took the shot (well, two) and nothing happened. It's not going to alter your DNA or anything... It's like a flu shot, man.

I mean do you drive a car without a license? Do you stop at red lights? Do you drive 100MPH in school zones? I don't understand how mandating getting a vaccine for a job is any more "anti-freedom" than traffic laws: they're there so you and the people around you are safe. Certain countries won't let you enter without certain inoculations. Sometimes you have to do shit you don't want to do. That's life.

Muck calls it a placebo. EB, don’t lose your job over a placebo. LOL

Who called it placebo first? :toetap

I called it that in response to your comments.

Besides, fewer young, healthy people tend to mysteriously die after taking placebos.

Probably? Lost track of all the ramblings. Including mine. LOL

Who’s dying from the stab? I know of of no one.

Probably the same percentage of people who got blood clots form J&J.
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Re: Did any of you

Postby bigbluebazooka » September 22nd, 2021, 3:56 pm

How long till the people who got vaccinated start dying? We need less Karens in this world.
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 22nd, 2021, 8:22 pm

bigbluebazooka wrote:How long till the people who got vaccinated start dying? We need less Karens in this world.

They already have.

I don't want anyone to die though.

As I said long ago, it's a risk/benefit analysis:
If you're old, fat, diabetic, or have other comorbidities, it's probably in your best interest to get the vaccine.
If you're 25-50 and healthy, it's probably about the same either way.
If you're under 25, you're probably better off skipping the vax. My brother in law (24) got very sick from the 2nd shot... for several days.
If you've already been infected and recovered, the vax is all risk and no reward.

I'm sure the risk is relatively low, but given the track record of J&J and Pfizer (Moderna has no track record, as this is the first thing they've ever brought to market) and the track record of decades of failed (and even counterproductive) mRNA vaccine attempts, and the fact that there is no recourse (even if it turns out Big Pharm knew these were harmful), I'm not about to play Russian roulette with my health. :nuhuh
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Re: Did any of you

Postby FSUKW » September 23rd, 2021, 1:02 am

Muck FcDisney wrote:
bigbluebazooka wrote:How long till the people who got vaccinated start dying? We need less Karens in this world.

They already have.

I don't want anyone to die though.

As I said long ago, it's a risk/benefit analysis:
If you're old, fat, diabetic, or have other comorbidities, it's probably in your best interest to get the vaccine.
If you're 25-50 and healthy, it's probably about the same either way.
If you're under 25, you're probably better off skipping the vax. My brother in law (24) got very sick from the 2nd shot... for several days.
If you've already been infected and recovered, the vax is all risk and no reward.

I'm sure the risk is relatively low, but given the track record of J&J and Pfizer (Moderna has no track record, as this is the first thing they've ever brought to market) and the track record of decades of failed (and even counterproductive) mRNA vaccine attempts, and the fact that there is no recourse (even if it turns out Big Pharm knew these were harmful), I'm not about to play Russian roulette with my health. :nuhuh

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Re: Did any of you

Postby ericberry14 » September 23rd, 2021, 10:39 am

And half the country or more wants me to be fired for not bending over like a little bitch. I welcome the civil war. Please let me kill these drones
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Re: Did any of you

Postby ericberry14 » September 23rd, 2021, 10:40 am

And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 1:04 pm

ericberry14 wrote:And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….

Well, he also said 150,000,000 Americans have died from gun deaths since 2007 and that 120,000,000 have died from COVID, so...
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 1:57 pm

ericberry14 wrote:And half the country or more wants me to be fired for not bending over like a little bitch. I welcome the civil war. Please let me kill these drones

They're also cheering the firing of the same people they called heroes for working (and doing choreographed dances) unvaccinated for over a year. Then they turn around and whine that hospitals are overworked and understaffed. These people are retards.

Join one of the 100s of class action lawsuits, or start your own. The tens of millions of Americans who spent years whipping themselves into a frenzied hysteria over imagined "fascist authoritarianism" would surely support you now that it's actually here, right?

I'm just glad the government didn't act this way during the whole AIDS thing. We'd still only be able to have sex while wearing a full body condom... while under gov't supervision.
"But what if we want to have more kids?"
"PEOPLE WILL DIE! You don't drive the speed of sound through a playground, do you? Now return to your assigned bunker and put your straightjacket on. Any further insubordination will result in the closing of your bank accounts, shutting down your internet access, and DFCS will take your kids away. This isn't Nam, smokey."
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Re: Did any of you

Postby FSUKW » September 23rd, 2021, 5:36 pm

ericberry14 wrote:And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….

It’s weird.

I know a hundred or so people who got vaccinated. All of them health and zero issues.

i don’t know anyone who’s died since being vaccinated. I personally know 8 that have died who weren’t vaccinated.
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Re: Did any of you

Postby bigbluebazooka » September 23rd, 2021, 6:21 pm

FSUKW wrote:
ericberry14 wrote:And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….

It’s weird.

I know a hundred or so people who got vaccinated. All of them health and zero issues.

i don’t know anyone who’s died since being vaccinated. I personally know 8 that have died who weren’t vaccinated.

Ok Karen. :crazy
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Re: Did any of you

Postby bigbluebazooka » September 23rd, 2021, 6:28 pm

I heard the vaccine makes black peoples nuts swell up. :dog
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 7:39 pm

bigbluebazooka wrote:
FSUKW wrote:
ericberry14 wrote:And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….

It’s weird.

I know a hundred or so people who got vaccinated. All of them health and zero issues.

i don’t know anyone who’s died since being vaccinated. I personally know 8 that have died who weren’t vaccinated.

Ok Karen. :crazy

Life is hard in the Fat Farm Retirement Home.
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 7:41 pm

Everyone I know who has ever died drank water in the month prior to their death.





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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 7:44 pm

bigbluebazooka wrote:I heard the vaccine makes black peoples nuts swell up. :dog

The best part was when her couisin (or whoever) jumped in the thread and said "yo, that was a personal issue. I didn't want you to tell the whole world!" :ROFL [we need a cringe smiley]
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 7:46 pm

bigbluebazooka wrote:I heard the vaccine makes black peoples nuts swell up. :dog

Also, proof vaccines are racist! :yes :aup

So many racists ITT... :sigh :sadyes
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Re: Did any of you

Postby FSUKW » September 23rd, 2021, 8:13 pm

bigbluebazooka wrote:
FSUKW wrote:
ericberry14 wrote:And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….

It’s weird.

I know a hundred or so people who got vaccinated. All of them health and zero issues.

i don’t know anyone who’s died since being vaccinated. I personally know 8 that have died who weren’t vaccinated.

Ok Karen. :crazy


“Karen”. :ROFL2 I’m not the one whining but then again you’ve never fully comprehended what “deflection” means.
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Re: Did any of you

Postby FSUKW » September 23rd, 2021, 8:14 pm

Muck FcDisney wrote:
bigbluebazooka wrote:
FSUKW wrote:
ericberry14 wrote:And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….

It’s weird.

I know a hundred or so people who got vaccinated. All of them health and zero issues.

i don’t know anyone who’s died since being vaccinated. I personally know 8 that have died who weren’t vaccinated.

Ok Karen. :crazy

Life is hard in the Fat Farm Retirement Home.

Not sure who this is aimed at. Not sure I care. I’m in the best shape of my life if aimed at me. LOL
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 8:29 pm

FSUKW wrote:
bigbluebazooka wrote:
FSUKW wrote:
ericberry14 wrote:And according to Joe Biden there are 65,000 breakthrough cases every day. The vaccine doesn’t fucking work. People with 1 shot are having better outcomes than people with 2 who are having better outcomes than people with 3. Fucking sheep. This is how the Holocaust started….

It’s weird.

I know a hundred or so people who got vaccinated. All of them health and zero issues.

i don’t know anyone who’s died since being vaccinated. I personally know 8 that have died who weren’t vaccinated.

Ok Karen. :crazy


“Karen”. :ROFL2 I’m not the one whining but then again you’ve never fully comprehended what “deflection” means.

Deflection alert!
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Re: Did any of you

Postby Muck FcDisney » September 23rd, 2021, 8:34 pm

FSUKW wrote:
Muck FcDisney wrote:
bigbluebazooka wrote:How long till the people who got vaccinated start dying? We need less Karens in this world.

They already have.

I don't want anyone to die though.

As I said long ago, it's a risk/benefit analysis:
If you're old, fat, diabetic, or have other comorbidities, it's probably in your best interest to get the vaccine.
If you're 25-40 and healthy, it's probably about the same either way.
If you're under 25, you're probably better off skipping the vax. My brother in law (24) got very sick from the 2nd shot... for several days.
If you've already been infected and recovered, the vax is all risk and no reward.

I'm sure the risk is relatively low, but given the track record of J&J and Pfizer (Moderna has no track record, as this is the first thing they've ever brought to market) and the track record of decades of failed (and even counterproductive) mRNA vaccine attempts, and the fact that there is no recourse (even if it turns out Big Pharm knew these were harmful), I'm not about to play Russian roulette with my health. :nuhuh



I just don't like to refer to myself as old... :sigh

If there is some other part you don't understand or disagree with, let me know. :2thumbs
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