With the whole transgender thing...

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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby CraigKressel » May 25th, 2016, 3:47 am

Muck FcDisney wrote:Craig... let's go by paragraph here.

1. Yes, I was obviously joking.

2. I agree that it's abnormal, but I think it should be tolerated. In other words, I'm sure as shit not going to tell my son that faggotry is normal, but I do love me some lesbian porn.

3. I think anal sex and titty fucking could certainly be considered abnormal. This would obviously make gay anal sex more abnormal. Not sure where you got this idea.

The media and liberals want it to be considered normal and they chastise you if you don't accept it. They want to shove it in our fucking faces on TV, in our schools, etc. Based on what you said they would call you a homophobe and a bigot.

Why can't we just stay the fucking truth, it is a perversion and abnormal behavior? I don't care if people are gay, I just don't want to be forced to accept it as normal behavior or people telling any kids I might have in the future that is a normal and acceptable lifestyle.
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby aubert » May 25th, 2016, 12:02 pm

well surprise surprise craig is a hater and does not want others to have basic human rights.

A Southern Pastor: Homosexuality And The Church

By Melanie Tubbs on May 4, 2016

Categories: A Southern Pastor, Christian Left Opinion, LGBT Pulse, Religion

John Wesley, founder of the religious movement known as Methodism, was a very spiritual man. He woke every morning at 4am to read from his Bible and pray for three hours. He was well educated, and he had a heart for service, visiting prisons and orphanages every day. He believed in the power of the Bible and in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and it is Wesley’s interpretation of the gospel which shapes my own theology.

John Wesley believed there were four sources from which Christians should gather information to make spiritually sound decisions: Scripture, Reason, Experience, and Tradition. As with all approaches to a Christian life, the first place to look for truth is within the scriptures themselves, but Wesley believed that it was important to use all the gifts God gave us to interpret those scriptures, and that includes our own intelligence.

For example, many scriptures in the Bible speak of slavery. Even Abraham, the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, had slaves, forcing one of them, Hagar, to bear his child. Paul himself spoke of slaves and their need to submit to their masters. Does this mean that slavery is spiritually sound? It certainly is human tradition to use slavery as a means to control and oppress, and Christians used the Bible to support slavery as late as the 1800s here in the United States. But our experience has shown us that slavery is morally wrong. To treat other human beings as property is cruel and inhumane, and scientific reason has taught us that there is no such thing as race: no group of people is inherently weaker than, or inferior to, another. So even though Paul is accepting of slavery, and we can find that in the Bible, our experience and reason have shown us that Christians can’t condone slavery, and even more importantly, are called to fight against it.

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral, as it is called, allows for looking at scripture through the perspective of historical context, language translation, contemporary cultural experience, and just plain common sense. For me, it allows the Bible to be seen as a theological road map, a doctrinal guidebook, rather than a cold weapon, whose main use is for judgment and condemnation. The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is the application of grace to our sacred text, which while being divinely inspired by God, was first written down and then later interpreted by flawed human hands.

We use this methodology to interpret the Bible every time we read it. If you don’t own slaves, if you believe women can teach, if you eat shellfish, cut your hair, wear polyester, or don’t stone your children to death when they talk back to you, you are applying tradition, reason and experience as you interpret the Bible. The problem is, just like we cherry pick the verses we decide to ignore, we also cherry pick the verses we decide to wave around like banners, especially when we use verses to separate the “good” people from the “bad” people, when we use the Bible to point out which people are bigger sinners than us.

My denomination will hold it’s general conference later this month and vote on several pieces of legislation which will decide our official church doctrine concerning sexuality. This issue will dominate the discussions and votes, and likely, no matter the outcome, one population or another within the UMC will feel betrayed and possibly leave our organization. It is the most divisive social issue of our time.

There are any number of ways which I could use to discuss the issue of homosexuality in church doctrine. We could apply the Wesleyan Quadrilateral and discuss homosexuality in historical context. We could discuss Sodom and Gomorrah and what the Bible actually says about the reason for it’s destruction. We could talk about the fact that sin is sin, there are no levels of better or worse, and yet we don’t have language in church doctrine specifically condemning adultery, lying, prostitution, gambling, or any other sin which we know exists within the population of Christian church goers, and in fact, allow marriages of adulterers to take place in our church all the time. Two people who have had an affair with one other, left their spouses, and gotten remarried to each other, can continue to sit in the pews of the church as full members and are allowed to do so by church Discipline. But for some reason the Discipline specifically pinpoints homosexuality as a sin, and a population to exclude, from the grace of the church.

As we prepare for the discussion and possible conflict which loom in front of us, that is not what I want to talk about. Today, as we attempt to interpret and understand how the church should handle the issue of homosexuality in our Discipline, I want to talk about you. I am not interested in your stand on homosexuality. To be honest, I don’t care what your interpretation of the Bible is regarding homosexuality. What I do care about is your interpretation of the Bible on what it looks like to be the church.

Matthew 5:14-16

14 You are like light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, 15 and no one would light a lamp and put it under a clay pot. A lamp is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house.16 Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.

And my argument today is that is all that matters. It is not up to you to judge who among us is a better or worse sinner. For we all sin. It is not up to you to judge what is sin and what isn’t. And it is not up to you to pass judgment upon who gets grace and who doesn’t. What is up to you is how you treat people, and how you allow the love of God to shine forth from your actions and your words every day. What I care about is how we be the church: open minds, open hearts, and open doors.

I personally believe that divisive language in church Discipline must go. There is no reason to point out one group of people and make them feel unwelcome within our hearts and within our walls. That is not what we are called to do. It is our job to love people, share with them the word of God, and invite them into our circle of fellowship. It is simply not our job to judge.

Many of you are old enough to remember when it was illegal for a biracial couple to marry in the South. The Bible was used to justify not allowing whites and blacks to marry because “you shouldn’t be unequally yoked.” As Christians, we get it wrong when our focus is on who to exclude. But we get it right when we focus on our own relationship with God, and the journey of faith we are called to. All are welcome here. And may the blessings we receive from God shine so brightly within us that we become lamps of God’s love, which then shine so brightly that they draw everyone toward us and into a loving and welcoming church.
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About Melanie Tubbs

Melanie Tubbs is a professor, pastor, mother, Mimi, and true Arkansas woman. She lives with six cats and two dogs on a quiet hill in a rural county where she pastors a church and teaches history at the local university. Her slightly addictive personality comes out in shameful Netflix binges and a massive collection of books. Vegetarian cooking, reading mountains of books for her seminary classes, and crocheting for the churches prayer shawl ministry take up most of her free time, and sharing the love of
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Muck FcDisney » May 25th, 2016, 2:32 pm

aubert wrote:well surprise surprise craig is a hater and does not want others to have basic human rights.


Where did he say anything of the sort?

I think women have a right to not have dicks in their bathrooms and piss on their toilet seats. Why are you such a misogynist?
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby aubert » May 25th, 2016, 2:52 pm

just trying to get him to reply mr muck.........
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Muck FcDisney » May 25th, 2016, 6:54 pm

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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Muck FcDisney » May 25th, 2016, 7:28 pm

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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby bigbluebazooka » May 25th, 2016, 10:26 pm

(RNN) - Eleven states filed a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration over its directive instructing U.S. public schools to allow transgender students to use bathroom and locker room facilities that match their gender identity.

11 states sue over Obama's school transgender directive

Associated Press
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Texas and 10 other states are suing the Obama administration over its directive to U.S. public schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity.

The suit is the latest salvo in the escalating battle over "bathroom bills" that began with the March passage of North Carolina's HB2.

The states that filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas are Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Earlier in May, the Department of Justice and the Department of Education released a letter outlining the new policy to give schools guidance on the policy.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a news conference on Wednesday that President Barack Obama is "creating new law outside of the Constitution and Congress."

Paxton said he was not sure how much the lawsuit would cost the state of Texas, but the state would take the case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

According to The Washington Post, the lawsuit states the directive has no legal basis and could cause "seismic changes in the operations of the nation’s school districts."

Paxton has not met with any transgender students or their parents, but said he is open to meeting with anyone about this lawsuit.

Also speaking at the news conference was David Thweatt, Superintendent of the Harrold, TX, Independent School District. On Tuesday, the school district mandated that students use the bathroom that is reflected on their birth certificate, saying, "Men's restrooms are for men and women's restrooms are for women."

Thweatt said that the Obama administration is threatening to harm their school district economically because they adopted "common-sense privacy protections." Thweatt said that the Harrold school district, that numbers about 100 students, does not have any transgender students.

However, he defends the lawsuit because the policy was forced upon them by the federal government at the risk of losing funding.

David Thweatt made news in 2012 when authorized trained teachers with concealed handgun licenses to arm themselves in schools as a method of protecting the children.

The issue of gender identity and bathrooms gained national attention after the North Carolina legislature overturned a Charlotte city ordinance that was passed in February. North Carolina is not one of the 11 states suing the government.

Passed in March, North Carolina's House Bill 2 requires transgender people to use public bathrooms that match their birth certificates. The law also makes clear local measures can't expand anti-discrimination protections for sexual orientation or gender identity.

A ruling in April by a federal judge in Richmond, VA, threatened the part of HB2 that affected making transgender students in public schools and universities use bathrooms corresponding to their birth gender. The directive from the U.S. Justice and Education Departments followed up by citing Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in public schools receiving public funding.

Supporters said the measure protects women and children from male sexual predators who might masquerade as the opposite sex to gain access to public restrooms. The law applied to all public facilities in schools and elsewhere.

Both North Carolina and the U.S. Department of Justice filed lawsuits against each other in May over HB2, which requires transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex on their birth certificate.

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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby JdPat04 » May 26th, 2016, 12:16 am

Problem is

Obama and the fucktards will try to sue states/counties/cities or punish them any way possible who ignore his "rules", but we have the fucking most ignorant cities ever called sanctuary cities that are outright telling them to fuck off we will not turn off violent FELONS and they don't give a fuck
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Muck FcDisney » May 26th, 2016, 12:46 am

JdPat04 wrote:Problem is

Obama and the fucktards will try to sue states/counties/cities or punish them any way possible who ignore his "rules", but we have the fucking most ignorant cities ever called sanctuary cities that are outright telling them to fuck off we will not turn off violent FELONS and they don't give a fuck

Cisgender sanctuary cities, FTW!! :rockin
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby bigbluebazooka » May 26th, 2016, 1:16 am

CraigKressel wrote:
Canes_Knights wrote:As you all probably know by now, I'm pretty socially liberal. I think the gays should be able to get married and have the same rights to be miserable as straight people.

However, while I don't really care about people being transgender (or transexual), if I'm honest with myself and my minor in psychology, I really feel like this is a mental illness. And of course that would set the SJWs out with the pitchforks and torches, but SJWs are one of the things that's wrong with the world today. But I really feel like a person who is biologically one gender yet believes or feels that they are the other (or those weird tumblr types that think there are more than 2 genders) has some sort of psychological issue. And I think that if we don't recognize it as such, and treat it as such, and offer treatment as such, we are doing those that suffer from it a great disservice. I mean, imagine if we similarly indulged schizophrenics and were like "well, he thinks he's a dragon, so who are we to say he isn't?"


Being gay is a mental illness too, just like pedophilia, foot fetishes, S&M, etc. All mental illnesses. The thing that really kills me is liberals are a complete contradiction. A lot of liberals are atheists and believe that evolution is a fact, well if evolution is a fact how can being gay be genetic, wouldn't the gene have been wiped out by now since you cannot procreate with gay sex and being gay would lead to less procreation? Then if you are a liberal and a christian or Jewish or Muslim it would go completely against your beliefs another contradiction. Liberals are fucking stupid all they ever do is contradict themselves.

Actually what you say is a mental illness seems more like a sexual preference. :justsayin

The rest of your post. :crazy
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby CraigKressel » May 26th, 2016, 1:25 am

Question for you Aubie.

If someone had the preference of shitting their pants in Target or just pissing on the floor, say they had a phobia of bathrooms, would it be infringing on their rights to say they should not be allowed to do that?
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby CraigKressel » May 26th, 2016, 1:27 am

bigbluebazooka wrote:
CraigKressel wrote:
Canes_Knights wrote:As you all probably know by now, I'm pretty socially liberal. I think the gays should be able to get married and have the same rights to be miserable as straight people.

However, while I don't really care about people being transgender (or transexual), if I'm honest with myself and my minor in psychology, I really feel like this is a mental illness. And of course that would set the SJWs out with the pitchforks and torches, but SJWs are one of the things that's wrong with the world today. But I really feel like a person who is biologically one gender yet believes or feels that they are the other (or those weird tumblr types that think there are more than 2 genders) has some sort of psychological issue. And I think that if we don't recognize it as such, and treat it as such, and offer treatment as such, we are doing those that suffer from it a great disservice. I mean, imagine if we similarly indulged schizophrenics and were like "well, he thinks he's a dragon, so who are we to say he isn't?"


Being gay is a mental illness too, just like pedophilia, foot fetishes, S&M, etc. All mental illnesses. The thing that really kills me is liberals are a complete contradiction. A lot of liberals are atheists and believe that evolution is a fact, well if evolution is a fact how can being gay be genetic, wouldn't the gene have been wiped out by now since you cannot procreate with gay sex and being gay would lead to less procreation? Then if you are a liberal and a christian or Jewish or Muslim it would go completely against your beliefs another contradiction. Liberals are fucking stupid all they ever do is contradict themselves.

Actually what you say is a mental illness seems more like a sexual preference. :justsayin

The rest of your post. :crazy

A sexual preference if it is abnormal would be a mental illness. Just like any other abnormal behavior or "preference". Some people prefer to eat cat food, that doesn't mean they don't have a mental illness.
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby frazier9495 » May 26th, 2016, 2:12 am

So everything starts out as a mental illness until it becomes normal....got it.
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby JdPat04 » May 26th, 2016, 2:17 am

Muck FcDisney wrote:
JdPat04 wrote:Problem is

Obama and the fucktards will try to sue states/counties/cities or punish them any way possible who ignore his "rules", but we have the fucking most ignorant cities ever called sanctuary cities that are outright telling them to fuck off we will not turn off violent FELONS and they don't give a fuck

Cisgender sanctuary cities, FTW!! :rockin

We can make our own sanctuary cities and call them vle cities

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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby CraigKressel » May 26th, 2016, 2:52 am

frazier9495 wrote:So everything starts out as a mental illness until it becomes normal....got it.

Not saying that but if you prefer fucking a guy in the ass over a woman's vagina you probably have a mental illness.
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Eye_of_Horus » May 26th, 2016, 3:04 am

Absolutely a mental illness. They need treatment not special bathroom privileges.
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Y4NK33 PL4N3T » May 26th, 2016, 6:07 am

People believe a being with zero scientific evidence of ever existing and one they'll never see, hear, feel, touch or smell created the universe, gave life to man from dust on the ground and this being's dead human son - who was immaculately conceived btw - actually resurrected from the dead, and that passes as normal while a person who internalizes as masculine/feminine when they are the opposite sex has a "mental illness".

[ img ]

Interesting logic. :lolthumb
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Muck FcDisney » May 26th, 2016, 11:23 am

Y4NK33 PL4N3T wrote:People believe a being with zero scientific evidence of ever existing and one they'll never see, hear, feel, touch or smell created the universe, gave life to man from dust on the ground and this being's dead human son - who was immaculately conceived btw - actually resurrected from the dead, and that passes as normal while a person who internalizes as masculine/feminine when they are the opposite sex has a "mental illness".

[ img ]

Interesting logic. :lolthumb

Not my logic. Now what?
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Muck FcDisney » May 26th, 2016, 11:29 am

frazier9495 wrote:So everything starts out as a mental illness until it becomes normal....got it.

Will necrophelia, pedophilia, or beastiality be the next thing to become normal? Will you accept them as normal the moment the government does?
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Re: With the whole transgender thing...

Postby Citronauts_Knights » May 26th, 2016, 3:10 pm

In regards to the gay stuff, I think pretty much all the most intelligent animals on the planet engage in it. I think it does serve a natural purpose (population control) to have a percentage of any population be homosexual.
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