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Science doesn't only apply to COVID, you know...

PostPosted: August 5th, 2021, 3:19 pm
by Muck FcDisney
Every day that goes by that we do not...

Ban alcohol
Ban cigarettes
Regulate caloric intake vs calories burned among every citizen (and "migrant worker seeking asylum" or whatever...)
Ban driving over 10 mph
Regulate time spent in sunlight / sunscreen passports to go outside
Ban ladders
Ban swimming and any other activities in more than 3 ft of water
Ban guns, knives, sticks, anything that can be sharpened, anything poisonous or potentially carcinogenic, or anything that can be mixed with anything else which would then be poisonous or potentially carcinogenic
Ban any OTC or prescribed medicine which can result in OD
Ban abortions
Ban contact sports

...our feckless government is LITERALLY murdering hundreds of thousands of people EVERY YEAR. All people not rioting/looting until we FOLLOW THE SCIENCE to protect precious life are COMPLICIT in these MURDERS.

Forcing taxpayers to buy billionaire Moderna executives and investors new yachts and private planes (and hookers and blow) is not enough.


It is the duty of every patriotic American. All who fail to do so are seditious traitors and insurrectionists, and will be punished accordingly.

Re: Science doesn't only apply to COVID, you know...

PostPosted: August 6th, 2021, 11:18 pm
by bigbluebazooka
Scientists are paid off just like politicians. Give me a few $100K payoff and I come up with all kinds of bull shit.