Muck FcDisney wrote:FSUKW wrote:Muck FcDisney wrote:bigbluebazooka wrote:How long till the people who got vaccinated start dying? We need less Karens in this world.
They already have.
I don't want anyone to die though.
As I said long ago, it's a risk/benefit analysis:
If you're old, fat, diabetic, or have other comorbidities, it's probably in your best interest to get the vaccine.
If you're 25-40 and healthy, it's probably about the same either way.
If you're under 25, you're probably better off skipping the vax. My brother in law (24) got very sick from the 2nd shot... for several days.
If you've already been infected and recovered, the vax is all risk and no reward.
I'm sure the risk is relatively low, but given the track record of J&J and Pfizer (Moderna has no track record, as this is the first thing they've ever brought to market) and the track record of decades of failed (and even counterproductive) mRNA vaccine attempts, and the fact that there is no recourse (even if it turns out Big Pharm knew these were harmful), I'm not about to play Russian roulette with my health. :nuhuh
I just don't like to refer to myself as old... :sigh
If there is some other part you don't understand or disagree with, let me know. :2thumbs
Understand just fine.