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Do any of you read TSH using...

PostPosted: September 15th, 2020, 11:12 pm
by FuckESPNdotCOM
... an RSS reader?

The board (and I think most of the ones configured using phpbb) has an RSS (or similar) feed. If you go to feed.php, you can get the latest posts. I do use it rarely to read this.

Just a question. I'm also interested how may people use RSS here and if so, what clients?

Re: Do any of you read TSH using...

PostPosted: September 16th, 2020, 12:21 am
by JdPat04
I have zero clue what you’re talking about, so I’m gonna guess that’s a no from me, Nole.

Re: Do any of you read TSH using...

PostPosted: September 17th, 2020, 12:23 am
by FuckESPNdotCOM
JdPat04 wrote:I have zero clue what you’re talking about, so I’m gonna guess that’s a no from me, Nole.

So I was actually wrong. The feed here is Atom, a newer but IETF standard format doing the same thing RSS does. Those orange and white icons that popped up in the mid-2000s in a lot of address bars were actually the RSS icon.
[ img ]

RSS is just a way to read news sites, blogs, basically any site that has a lot of posts, be they articles or comments. Think of it like a dedicated, read-only mailing list. You can't reply or anything from it. You can aggregate lots of feeds into one. If you use Reddit, it's a good way to read that stuff, too.

If you clicked the link in my list and it opens in your browser, you can actually see the source code of the feed. If you want to read it, you have to have an RSS/Atom feed reader program.

It's a good way to save time, too. This video explains it better than I can.